Frustrating books

 Hey there! 

I ran out of ideas. I know that my 0 views are so excited to see me talking about books, so that's what I'm gonna do. But this is going to be a... BOOK TAG. It is called: Book Tag of Frustrating Books (or something like that, I don't really know how to translate it). Ok, let's do this.

1. A book you thought was going a be a five star read, but it didn't end up like that.

I want to see the world burning. You are going to hate me for this one, but I gotta say:

Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare. Don't get me wrong, this book is fantastic and it is close to my heart because this is the first Shadowhunters series I've ever read, but... Yeah. Something happened in the middle (I'm not gonna do a spoiler for once) that left me in a horrible state. I couldn't sleep properly, I couldn't concentrate and I didn't have any motivation. That thing destroyed me. Just pure sadness. I felt like a had lost my best friend. I felt genuinely horrible. I'm not being dramatic. And after that thing everything in the book felt so rushed and I cried a lot, but not tears of joy. 

Giving this book 5 stars felt like a lie, so I gave it 4 stars. STILL  NOT BAD. But yeah, I prefer Clockwork Prince over Clockwork Princess.

2. A book that had a perfect beggining and you thought it was going to be perfect, but the ending ruined everything.

I didn't have to think that question twice. Little Women is the first book that comes to my mind. I just wanted to say something: the first 500 pages were really, really, really, really (did I say really?) really good. 

For you to undestand: when I was reading Little Women I thought it was just as great as The Book Thief (my all time favourite book). AND THAT IS VERY HARD TO ACHIEVE. But that ending... was the definition of rushed. There wasn't ANY romantic quemistry between Amy and Laurie and WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT JO AND MISTER BHAER THING?? 

For one precious moment I thought that I may like classics. But I'm back to normal, I don't have any interest in them. 

What a shame.

3. A sequel that disappointed you because you loved the first part.

At this point I think the book community is a conspiracy against me. WHY DO YOU ALL LOVE THIS BOOK? It is clearly the worst one of the three. I adore Scythe. You heard me? ADORE. I aspire to marry that book one day because it is pure perfection, but Thunderhead... The narrative rythem decreases, Neal Shusterman presents us characters that I have no interest in, the thrill of the argument never came, the ending left me underwhelmed and I HATE with passion one of the introduced characters. (I don't know how she´s called in the original version, but that character's name in Spanish is: Pureza. Ugh. I´m glad she dies). 

It's not that I hate this book. When I finished it, my opinion was neutral. But all the positive opinions of the people around me made me feel like the black sheep and that transformed into frustration. That's it.

4. A book that you didn't like written by an author you love.

This book was just meh, but it was the first book Alice Oseman published, so I'll give her that. 

I can't really say what goes wrong with this one, because the only thing I feel is deep indeference. 

I thought some parts were quite repetitive and in some occasions I wanted to throw this book across the room. I also felt like the only purpose of the love interest was to cheer up the protagonist. I didn't get any more information about his character. 

I don't know, comparing this book to the others in the Alice Oseman universe is pointless, but Solitaire keeps resting on my bookshelf.

(Oh, and also that Solitaire reference in the volume 4 of Heartstopper was chef kiss).

And the final question...

5. A book you think is too long and it took you ages to finish.

Funny story: I read this thing because my mum insisted. She said that I was the personification of this book, that it was perfect for me because it would give me a different perspective of the greek myths. 

Well, jokes on you mum, this book was horrendous.

It didn't took me ages to finish but it felt like a whole century. They promised me a huge character development, but the only thing that Circe did was to open her eyes for once. Madeleine Miller has a magnificent prose, but just how melodramatic the things were described made me roll my eyes a few times. 

I thought that Circe was going to tell the very known greek myths from her point of view, but she didn't live them (because she was isolated on her island), she would just tell them, and I had the sensation that I was reading a history book. I know that this part was inevitable , but it didn't give any kind of emotion to the plot. 

And when I say that the rythem was slow, I mean painfully slow. It caused me physical damage. I didn't feel any kind of connection with the book from the beggining. 

Uff, I finally said this. 

The only good thing about this experience is that everytime my mum and I walk pass this book in a library, I start to hate on it so I can make my mum feel bad for recommending Circe to me (she didn't even read it, by the way). We always end up laughing.

And this is it. I hope that you completed every question with your own books and that you enjoyed this really improvised book tag :)


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