
Frustrating books

 Hey there!  I ran out of ideas. I know that my 0 views are so excited to see me talking about books, so that's what I'm gonna do. But this is going to be a... BOOK TAG. It is called: Book Tag of Frustrating Books (or something like that, I don't really know how to translate it). Ok, let's do this. 1. A book you thought was going a be a five star read, but it didn't end up like that. I want to see the world burning. You are going to hate me for this one, but I gotta say: Clockwork Princess, by Cassandra Clare. Don't get me wrong, this book is fantastic and it is close to my heart because this is the first Shadowhunters series I've ever read, but... Yeah. Something happened in the middle (I'm not gonna do a spoiler for once) that left me in a horrible state. I couldn't sleep properly, I couldn't concentrate and I didn't have any motivation. That thing destroyed me. Just pure sadness. I felt like a had lost my best friend. I felt genuinely horr...

the randomness of my bookshelf

 Well. I have nothing to say in my defense. The other day I decided that I was going to reorganize my bookshelf, (cause that's what booknerds do, right?) I casually put some of my contemporary books in a pile. I thought they looked cute so I took a picture. And, of course, you can call me a basic girl for reading Rupi Kaur's poetry or some John Green books, but life is too short to care about such things. Here is my... contemporary edition?  Then I thought that I could do the same thing with any other gender. BUT THEN I had a masive idea: what if I show the whole bookshelf?  May I introduce to you the love of my life: my books, shelve by shelve. This is my Harry Potter shelve. First of all, I want to say that I don't support any of J.K Rowling's opinions, but Harry saved me in a particularly hard moment of my life. So it's so close to my heart, and... yeah, you can say that I'm a proud Ravenclaw. Then we have my whole childhood. The Neverending Story is still on...

My friend and his masterpieces

I sent to my friend a fan art of the protagonist of the book I was reading at the time. He is a very, very talented and young artist, so he told me he was going to draw the picture for me. At first, I didn't believe him, but he was serious. Six months after that, I received a package and inside of it I found the picture he promised me he was going to draw. It left me genuinely speechless.  This is the reference photo (credit to starbitart)                        This is what he drew.                                                           Just look at the colors. Pay attention to the effort. JUST LOOK AT IT. I couldn't get to do even half of what he is capable of. I put the painting on the wall of my room so that I could admire it every day. He has a lot of other paintings....

The House of Stars

  The other day I discovered something new. It's a fantasy comic called "The House of Stars". The plot was interesting (we follow our main girl, Lily, on her journey through a world ruled by an evil queen in which it is always night), but what stands out are the ilustrations. Not to be dramatic or something, but I would kill to draw like this. By the way, you can find The House of Stars in Webtoon. You SHOULD check it out, it's completely worth it. (Besides, Peach is the cutest thing in the world)                

Some Viria Art

 There's this artist called Viria who makes the oficial art of the Riordan universe. I absolutely love her style and the way she reflects the personality of our favourite characters is brilliant. Here are some of her drawings.      

Random things

 You can say I like drawing things with too many colors. This is from when I tried to draw realistic oranges... I don't know what to think about it.

Cathedral project

  This is the last job I did for school. It consisted of drawing a cathedral taking care of the symmetry and using the ruler and the compass. The shadows haven't turned out particularly well for me, I think I'll have to work on that :)